Coming soon

A minimal and privacy-first app for porn rehab.

Minimal experience

Block all adult content with the press of a simple button.

Add 1 or more partners to help you keep in check of your urges.

Stay aware of your actions & remain informed about what your Partner sees.

Privacy First

No Intrusive Permissions

Doesn't rely on screen monitoring and tracking user actions across apps.

Complete Control

Switch off or uninstall the app easily, whenever you want.
No device admin level restrictions.

No Data Tracking

Your device activity data is never stored nor shared with any other party.

Why NoUrge?


NoUrge app is made for people who consciously want to live porn free 🙌, and acknowledge the side effects of watching porn whether it's on their relationship 👫, work 🗄️ or health 🧠


We believe that it's easier to make a change with the support of a loved one 🤝. This app helps you foster accountability with your self-selected partner from real life by using an advanced intelligence algorithm that notifies your partner of any potential relapse in your porn free journey 💪


We are a privacy-first app 🔒 for adults and never disclose your personal data with your partner such as browsing history, content viewed, specific apps used, etc. We only share the bare minimum data to inform your partner of potential destructive urges so that it keeps you in check and prevents relapse in your most unmanageable urges ✅


  • Block all porn websites

  • Enforce safe search on search engines eg. Google, Bing etc.

  • Support from Accountability Partner

  • Control screen time for apps with potential adult content eg. reddit, twitter etc.

  • Complete access to your activity history

  • Battery friendly. Minimum usage of RAM & CPU

  • Local VPN. No external VPN server needed

  • Cross-platform support to control urges across all devices

2024 © NoUrge

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